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The 2021 Break Even Index
By quantifying the effects of taxes and inflation, the Break-Even Index gives an idea of what must be earned in a taxable account in...

Continued Robust Economic Growth
After the first quarter’s robust economic growth, the second quarter appears to be on track for a repeat. Gross Domestic product (GDP)...

Uncertainty in the Face of a New President
After March's gut-wrenching sell-off, 2020 turned out to be a good year for the stock market. In our 4th Quarter 2020 Directions, we...

The Vaccine Aids Job Bounce-Back
Despite ongoing uncertainty about the on-again, off-again nature of another federal government stimulus deal, some positive news buoyed...

Coronavirus Stimulus and a Struggling Economy
The coronavirus pandemic has roiled global stock markets and sent the yield on U.S. Treasury debt to near-record lows. State and local...

An Economy Destabilized by Covid-19
In what seems like an age ago, we projected in our first quarter 2020 edition of Directions that interest rates and inflation could...

Continued Strength In the Face of Chinese Uncertainty
4th Quarter 2018 The on-again, off-again summit between President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping has been resurrected to occur...

Strength Despite Trade War Worries
3nd Quarter 2018 The U.S. economy continues to show strength despite the worries over trade wars that have tempered global stock market...

A Volatile First Quarter
2nd Quarter 2018 John Bogle, founder of Vanguard funds, recently remarked that he has never seen the likes of first quarter 2018's...

A Strong Start to 2018
1st Quarter 2018 Love him, hate him, but recent Wall Street Journal surveys of economists suggest that, during his first year in office,...
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